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Good For A Laugh - #MFRWauthor

We're here again for week. 18 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week's topic is sure to put a smile on your face since it's all about things that make me laugh.

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There are several things that can make me laugh. My children are always a good source of entertainment. My youngest especially(yes the one that wants to be a dragon). He's a real character and the things he does and says are always good at bringing about a laugh or two. Even if it's bad joke telling, like at dinner the other night.

Munchkin: "Why did the duck cross the road?"
The Hubs: "I don't know, why?"
Munchkin: "He wanted to get quacking."

It was joke day at school so that was our treat over dinner which lead to Curly Top (the 9yr old) trying his hand at joke telling and The Hubs jumped in for good measure. All were corny, told badly, and not really funny, but still they made me laugh from the sheer silliness of them. 

The Hubs: "Why was six afraid of seven?"
The Boys: "Because seven eight nine." (ha, you get it? you get it?)

They knew the answer to that one since the older brother had told it before.  He was at baseball practice or I'm sure the joke telling would have gone on longer. 

The Hubs is another source of laughter, seriously if you could see him dance you'd know why. I'm kidding (not really). We have a strange relationship in which we have no problem making fun of each other. Like with his dancing, he knows he can't but it doesn't stop him from doing it. The more I make fun of him about it, the more he'll do it. Fun times. 

Other than family, the standard things can also get a laugh out of me. A funny passage in a book, or a scene from a movie. I also have no problem laughing at myself when I do something crazy. It's all in good fun and they say laughter is the best medicine. For what exactly I'm not sure, but laugh anyway.

So what are somethings that make you laugh? Got any corny jokes to share? Leave them in the comments because I'm sure my kids would love to hear them.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the other blogs this week.


  1. There's nothing better than a man who can make you laugh. He sounds like a keeper :)

    1. He does make me laugh. He's a pretty okay guy and since his return by date has expired I'm kinda stuck with him now. LOL :)

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Ditto what Sherry said! And remember all the funny times with your kids to tide you over the teen years!

    1. Yes my younger two are always there to remind me. My teenage boy still hangs with his mom sometimes, even if he won't admit that's what he's doing.

      thanks for stopping by

    2. LOL. I second what Alina says about storing up the cute, innocent memories to tide you over the teen years.

    3. Thanks Ed. Luckily I've survived one set of teen years with my daughter and so far so good with my oldest son. Hopefully that'll stay that way once he enters high school next year.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Ahhhh jokes!
    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Banana who?
    (repeat 3xs)

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Orange who?
    Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?

    1. LOL yay a joke! Thanks :)

      thanks for stopping by

  4. children can be funny. Save the memories of the young times for later years or for blackmail when they are adults :)

    1. My kids keep me laughing and it's nice. They don't take themselves too seriously so it's refreshing. LOL on the blackmail.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. It's great to be part of a group of family or friends who can laugh together. Laughing does make us feel better.

    1. It is. Keeps the stress down and we enjoy each other's company.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I love to see a man laugh. My dad was always laughing and telling us some joke or something that happened when he was a child. I miss that. Great post!

    1. We laugh a lot in this house. Always telling jokes or messing around. Not a boring house ever.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Yup, family is key. They know were to poke and jab. And Batman. Love the video.

    1. Yep,that's us. My brother is a real character and loves to do impressions. LOL Batman showcasing my husband's slick dance moves.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. The family that laughs together, stays together IMO :) Enjoyed the post.

    1. Then we're stuck like glue. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Yay, Batman! One of my hubby's most attractive qualities is that he can make me laugh. I'm glad yours keeps you entertained. :)

    1. Crazy that was the first gif to pop up when I searched bad dancing. LOL It's nice that your hubby can make you laugh, means life is never dull. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  10. Thursday's weather report warned of a vicious cold snap over the weekend which sent me digging through my closet for last year's warmest clothes. Good Morning Monday

  11. So who is to blame for this? Well I think both sides are and I think it will go on and on because as a worker I would say your hands are tied, you need your salary to survive so wouldn't want to rock the boat - yet is it right that your health and happiness suffer and that of your closest family who see more of a bottom of a bag of crisps than of you? And the company who will just carry on because at the end of the day people are putting up with it and getting on. ėعķŠ€ź²€ģ¦ ģ»¤ė®¤ė‹ˆķ‹°


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