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Are BFFs A thing?... #MFRWauthor

When I saw the prompt for this week I was confused for a moment. I'm barreling towards another decade on this planet and it's one where I'm feeling too old to refer to my friends as 'best' friends. They are all simply my friends. I have 'real life' friends, ones I can see and hang out with in person. I have 'internet friends', people I've met online, talk to often, but have never seen. One such friend is a  person I've talked to nearly every day for the last four years. We started out chatting about a game we both play and it's morphed. It's a great friendship and one that I cherish deeply. So if I had to give her a label over and above, she could be my BFF.

Then I thought maybe I should have instantly thought of The Husband. You know how people always say they are married to their best friend. However, as I think of all the things The Hubs and I don't have in common, would we have even been friends back in 'those days'? The good ol' days of high school or college when you're making those connections. Answer, probably not. But I did marry him for a reason. We have almost nothing in common as far as likes, interests, that sort of thing, but we do respect each other for our differences and it works. That whole opposites attract thing at play. We can talk about anything which is good. In the seventeen years we've been together, I've learned a whole lot more about sports than I ever cared to know before meeting him. Still not a fan, but I can tolerate it.

If not people as your best friend, you can think of things. Possessions. Every writer has that thing they can't live without. It would be their BFF. In my case, it would be my laptops. I have two. A huge beast of a laptop (Rocco and yes I named him) The Hubs bought me for my birthday. It's great. Has a larger screen, lots to bells and whistles, but it's heavy. Like newborn child heavy! Which is great for a newborn baby, not so great for carrying around as a laptop.

So now I have a smaller (yet to be named) Chromebook that I bought for taking out and about. Much easier to carry it to my youngest's Tae Kwon Do class to get some writing in without the other parents around me giving stares for having such a large piece of equipment. The size difference is crazy right?

So all in all, I guess there are a few people and things I'd consider to be my best friend.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I have several things in my writing cave I couldn't live without! :)

    1. I understand. There are definite must haves each writer needs.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. haha! Love that your big laptop has a name.

    I don't really consider anyone in my life my "best friend" either, though, I'm different in the sense that I was friends with my hubby before we got married. We're still friends I think? Or maybe we just respect one another like you and your husband? And all of the people in my life from "the good ole days"? Gone. Those were the ones that, actually, didn't respect me. So, so be it.

    I like this blog challenge. It sounds like a lot of fun to participate in. :)

    1. LOL thanks. My old one was named Fred. I've been leaning towards Scamp for my smaller one. :)

      Hubby and I would be 'friends' but not besties. I'm sure you and your hubby are still friends. Like with anything, relationships grow and change. I don't see or talk to anyone from the good old days.

      You should jump in. I just started and it's helpful since I'm trying to have regular content on my blog.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. You must hurry and name the new little cutie! LOL! Great post. I have internet buds I've known for 30 years and it all started in a fanzine writing club!

    1. LOL yeah, he needs a name. I'm leaning towards Scamp. Think it fits. :) Funny how you can make the most lasting connections in the most unusual of places.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. congratulations on the newborn! Great post! I couldnt live wihout my laptop. I have a heavy beast my hubby bought me now and miss my poor dead Dell (precious) lolI named mine too.

    1. LOL thanks! My laptop is very important. The world isn't right if something goes wrong with it. Crazy how heavy they are getting for something that is supposed to be portable. Yay for naming yours. I'm not alone in my craziness.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I agree. The whole idea of the BFF works when we're young, but by the time we "grow up" we have accumulated lots of good friends, including hubbies.

    1. Exactly! When we're young we like to proclaim those things but times change. I have good friends that make my life richer but they are all equal in my eyes. Well guess the hubby would be a little extra special. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  6. You're right that after a certain age BFF is different. I have two very good friends, one of which for over a decade, whom I've never met in person, but who know more about me than even some family members. I love the naming of the computers (at least something other than #^&()*# when they're not behaving. Have to come up with names. Thanks for the idea.

    1. You sound like me. I've not known my online buddy for as long, but I can and have told her almost everything. She's the same way with me. We just have a connection. hahaha well there have been times when I've called my computers that too, but most times I find they work better if I'm nicer. :) Figured for something I spend so much time with, it should have a name. Hope you find one that fits your PC

      thanks for stopping by


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