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Weekend Writing Warriors entry #12

Another entry for Weekend Writing Warriors. WeWriWa is a blog site open to all authors/writers published or unpublished. Follow the simple instructions on their blog to sign up and then post a snippet of writing on your own blog to join in on the fun.

Continuing with an excerpt from my book Fiendish and I'm picking up again with that. The excerpt picks up in the middle of chapter 3 and I will continue til the end of the chapter.

Last week Seth realized he hit another nerve when asking why she moved to Atlanta. He's trying to solve the possible mystery behind her reaction while she's in the restroom.

If you are just joining me, click below to get to the beginning of this exchange.

Her shy demeanor made me want to study her outside of the confines of my basement. For now at least
“Sorry about that,” Calida apologized quietly, sliding back into the booth.
“Would you like dessert?” I asked, smiling at her.
“No thank you, I’m stuffed.”
I signaled for the waitress to bring us the check. Calida pulled her wallet out of her jacket pocket but paused when she saw me frowning at her. The waitress returned with the check, and I handed her my credit card without taking my eyes off of Calida.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh, my gosh! The confines of his basement?!?! My jaw dropped when I read this line. How deliciously creepy! Makes me wonder what exactly he has in store for her. Great 8, Meka!

    1. yep...he has an entire playroom set up for his idea of a good time. :) He has lots of things in store, the question is will he follow through.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Yeah, I'm with Lashell on this one! I went back through and read the last two to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Yikes! Good snippet. ;-)

    1. LOL nope you didn't miss a thing. It's a lure, his whole gentleman demeanor is a lure....

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Oooh, shivers! Very nicely done.

  4. Oh my! His basement?! Holy plot twist, Batman! Although, I must say I enjoy it when a man picks up the tab. ;) Great work!

    1. LOL he is a perfect date that way. No going dutch for him, he will always pick up the tab :)

      Seth's version of a good time is most likely frowned upon by most in society. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Uh oh, I was liking this guy until he mentioned the confines of his basement. Shivery stuff....but a very effective, subtly chilling excerpt.

    1. yeah...once you get to know him, Seth is not a likable guy. He tries, but never quite can get there.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Yes, what's with the basement? Yikes. Maybe she shouldn't feel so relaxed around him. Have to follow this one.

    1. there's a lot going on in his basement. I think you could call him a sadist...yeah getting cozy with him might not be such a good idea.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Nice friend to set her up with a psycho!!!! Oh crap. Last week I just thought he was a shrink....

    1. LOL well in Macy's defense she doesn't know he's psycho. He seems like a very nice and sexy guy. Exactly what her friend needs. :D Nope he's not a shrink...he could probably benefit from talking to one though.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. his basement? omg... run away he's very controlling!!! but he did pay for dinner so.... LOL I need moreeee!! great snippet, Meka!! it really draws you in!

    1. He's more than just controlling...

      he did pay for dinner, and she's having a good time. He's been on his best behavior.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. It was refreshing that she was willing to pay for her own meal until she saw that he disapproved. I probably would've still tried to pay though (I'm stubborn) :)

    Keep smiling,

    1. Yes she made no assumptions about it being a 'traditional' date and since they didn't really know each other it was safer to just pay for her own meal. He quickly squashed that idea.

      thanks for stopping by


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