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IWSG - 2021 Let's Do This

Happy New Year! Man 2020 is finally over. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday season. It’s January so that means new month new IWSG blog post. To finish off the year, last month I posted about how well I did or didn’t hit the goals I’d set for myself.

I’m ready to hopefully set myself up for some success this year, but not only have goals, but making *loose* plans to execute them. So let’s get into what I hope to accomplish in 2021

Yes, I know I have this each year, and so far it’s always been a fail. But the difference is I have accountability in 2021. The Wordmakers group that I’m part of is collectively reading the Zoe York Romance Your Brand and Romance Your Plan books. Honestly it’s the first time I’ve looked forward to a group project.

Together we will work through her suggestions and help each other build not only a marketable series but also construct a plan in which to execute getting it out and finding new readers. This goes along with my want to be more consistent and deliberate with how I market my stories.

Love on Madison Island is the first time I’ve actually planned to have a series. Sure my first couple of books turned into accidental series (meaning I wrote the first one with the intent on it being a one and done yet others were born) but this time around I know these books will be connected. So publishing with intent will mean how I market them *see above plan* and how I write them.

I’m a pantser so planning, not my strong suit, but I’m finding ways that work for me that don’t overwhelm. I know in advance I have to leave bread crumbs for the other books that will be coming so I’m not worrying about it later on if it connects properly. Publishing these books with intent means having an overall plan and being strategic. It’s a little nerve wracking and sure I still think all will fail, but I’m committed to giving it the old college try.

My Desert Rose series is that accidental one I mentioned but to date those 3 books have been my best sellers out of all my indie titles. Especially my f/f ones. I’ve never done a box set before, but my good friend Coralie Moss has made the suggestion to me a few times, so that is a project I plan to tackle this year.

Those are the main things I want to accomplish in 2021. But I do have additional goals if I want to pretend to be an overachiever. If I hit these, I’ll consider it icing on the cake, especially with me finally having a month where I make at least $1000 in sales. I was excited when I made my first $100 month which sadly didn’t happen until 2019 with the release of Being Hospitable. Fingers and toes crossed that my goal #1 helps me attain this feat of wonder. LOL

That’s it for me. Do you have goals for 2021? Share them in the comments so I can cheer you on!

Until next time


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

The awesome co-hosts for the January 6 posting of the IWSG are Ronel Janse van Vuuren , J Lenni Dorner, Gwen Gardner, Sandra Cox, and Louise - Fundy Blue


  1. Looks like you're on your way to success. I'd love to read more about your journey. Fingers crossed you hit your goals. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  2. That's great you have a group and can work on it together. Hopefully you guys can market together as well.


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