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IWSG - A Turtle in a Hare World

Happy March. Are you hoping spring is around the corner like I am? I’m so over the cold, but I know all too soon I’ll be complaining about the heat. I really need to live in a place that has mild-ish temperatures year round. But we aren’t here to chat about the weather.  A new month means a new IWSG blog post.

Let’s get right into things shall we. I’ve had my struggles throughout my time in this group. I mean it’s to be expected right? And I’m sure I will continue to have them because it’s who I am. I’ve written before about how life can be harder (sometimes) for the indie writer and that’s what this post will touch on.

I don’t know when the tide turned and expectations of production increased at the same time for “demand” of lower prices, but that’s where we seem to be. Some seem to think the boom of Amazon in the book mark along with the invention of Kindle Unlimited had a lot to do with it, but that’s a discussion for another time. I’m focusing on the production aspect for today.

I’m a turtle. In fact, about two years ago I made an offhand comment about being a #turtlewriter and it snowballed into a whole thing. It’s great to have a community of fellow slow poke writers, but for me, being slow I think is just one more thing that puts me behind the eight ball.

It’s easier to say don’t compare yourself to others, but it’s harder to actually follow that advice. I realize my process is different from others, but that doesn’t stop me feeling like crap because my production is so low. That feeling is the start of a spiral that makes it even harder to concentrate because then I start to wonder what’s the point.

I follow plenty of authors and when I see some putting out three or more books in a year I have moments of wondering if baby stepping along is worth it. In a time when there are so many books to be read. By all accounts it’s “easier” (only in how to get them out in the world sort of way) to publish books. Getting your foothold is harder than ever.

I don’t write a series and I don’t write fast and both of those things make me feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot. I’ve said it before, I’m a mood writer so if my mood is in the dumps it’s hard as hell for me to write, especially considering I write romance.

People tell you all day long, you have to have a thick skin for this business. Granted most times it’s in relation to less than stellar reviews you may or may not get, but it applies to other things as well. The imposter syndrome is real! And I fully admit to being my own worst enemy. It’s things I know, but at the same time seem to be unable to stop.

So, what’s a turtle to do in this hare world? For now, keep turtling along I guess. I’m a glutton for punishment. LOL I don’t know how to change my process so that I’m more productive. And no amount of pep talks stop the feelings of inadequacies that hang around with me on a daily basis.
Boy this post turned out to be way more depressing than I imagined when I first started writing it. LOL #PantserLife But it is what it is. Me putting my feelings/insecurities out in the world.

Happy Spring to everyone and hope y’all have great months.

Until next time

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

The awesome co-hosts for the The awesome co-hosts for the March 4th posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Lisa Buie-Collard, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence


  1. So sorry to hear of your woes. We all have days/weeks/months like this so you are not alone! This is one of the reasons I appreciate the IWSG! Good luck and hopefully next month will be better...

    1. Thanks Lisa. Some days it's easier to keep a lid on the blahs than others. IWSG has been great and is always a source of support. Thank you. I hope the next month is better as well.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I'm a turtle right along with you. Think of it as quality over quantity!

    1. Glad I'm not alone. I hope I'm producing quality, but some days I have my doubts. Always so many balls to juggle.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Hey, hey, hey. You are perfect the way you are. There is a place for turtles and hares or there wouldn't be a story. Remember who one? That's right. AND don't tell me there is quality in speed writing, cuz I'll never believe it.

    You walk on higher ground. It's your superpower. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thanks Anna! Yes, the turtle won. :) I have to remember it is a marathon not a sprint, but man sometimes I'm really feeling like I've been left in the dust. Everyone has their process, I just feel like I'm stuck in the mud more times than not.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I'm definitely a turtle writer! I always wish I could write faster, but it just never happens for me.

    1. I try, but I fail. Yes eventually I get it done, but it takes way longer than it probably should.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Feel the same way. Those authors will have 2-3 books already out back to back and here I am still working on the one. Makes me feel a bit low and envious too. But I'm a slow writer. A turtle writer. If I try to be like the hare more than likely I'll be constantly tripping over my own feet. Haste makes waste and all that. Try to remember there's nothing wrong with being slow and steady. And like Anna said, the turtle won against the hare in that race.

    1. YES!!! That's me. Like I am in envy. How do they do it. I would love to be able to write, edit, and publish more than one title a year, but I don't see that in my future. There's always hope for change though. Even if I manage it, I know I'll never be a 5+ book per year person. I do have to realize my process, but the doubt is always there.

      thanks for stopping by


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