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Music Monday - Good To Be Alive

It's Monday! Happens every week for some reason. LOL Anyway I hope you had a better weekend than I did.

You folks all know I'm a mom. One of the Spawn is of driving age and has had his license since January. He has the same rule I'd given The Girl when she started driving. Text me when you arrive at a location and when you're leaving so I know when they are on the road.

On Saturday, roughly twenty minutes after he texted me to say he was heading home from baseball practice he calls me. A call is NEVER a good thing. Last time he had to call me it was because his transmission went out on him with his younger brother also in the car. This time it was an accident.


He got rear ended less than 5 minutes from home. He was waiting to turn into our subdivision and another teen driver didn't brake in time and that is the result. All parties involved were fine thank goodness, but it's not a call you want to get as a parent. 

Now comes the not so fun part of dealing with insurance and hopefully being able to get it repaired because we do not want to car shop again. But it's a material thing so in the grand scheme of things, it's minor.

This week's selection I needed something upbeat and that just celebrates life in general. Bring on Andy Grammer. LOL

Stay safe out there folks and hug those close to you.

Until next time,

"Good To Be Alive" by Andy Grammer


  1. That sucks! Glad everyone was all right. At least it wasn't your son's fault.

    1. Thank you. We're happy he and the other kids were fine. Now to deal with the car stuff.

      thanks for stopping by

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