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Inspiration You Say? - #MFRWauthor

The last two weeks have been head scratchers. Week 41 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop is no different. Week 41. Can't believe the year is nearly over.

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This week we are supposed to talk about what "inspires" us to blog. I had a blank stare when looking at that topic for a while. Being "inspired" to blog isn't something I've thought about.

If you've been following along, you know my writing career started out by blogging. A game I play inspired the first book and it's taken off from there. Albeit slowly, but the wheels are turning, and more and more characters join the merry band of misfits already in my head.

Since I started out blogging, having one for my author stuff wasn't a huge stretch. Not to mention, all information sources talk about the need to build an author platform. Social media accounts, a website, a blog.

What was an issue was what to put on my blog. I'm new to this and still learning, so I didn't really feel like it was my place to try and give advice. I'm a slow writer, so I don't have short stories or anything to share. I don't have any "inspiration" for what I blog about. I blog like I write, whatever hits me at the time. This could be a leading factor in why my blog collected dust for a while. I wasn't inspired to write, and therefore not inspired to blog.

I had goals this year, and getting back into using my blog was on that list. Taking part in this blog hop has helped. Music is a big part of my writing process (each book has a playlist), so I started a segment called Music Mondays. I don't post every Monday, but if there is a song that I have enjoyed, I share it and say what I like about it.

Other things  you'll find here will be the occasional book review. Nothing major, simply me sharing my thoughts about what I've read. I don't review every book I read, but I am trying to do more.

I do another blog hop, this is a monthly one hosted by IWSG: Insecure Writers Support Group. That name pulled me in, because I am a very insecure writer and that group, along with the blog hop is what got me to the point I am now, a second completed draft. It's because of that group that I started working on Not Broken again.

My blog is a hodge-podge of stuff. All the advice you read about social media is to be "real" to show your potential readers things that connect with you. That's what I do. I share when I have something to share. Everything I share is what's relevant at the time, and it's not all about trying to push my next book. There is some of that, but since I only have one out and the next one on the way, it's not been a lot. And even when I have more, I don't see that changing.

So there you have it. Not sure if I answered the question correctly, but it's what I came up with. Be sure to stop by and see what the other authors had to say.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. It's all about connection! Great post, Meka.

    1. Thanks Alina! Selling books is nice, but making connections is way better.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Helen. This week stumped me a little, but just went with what I do.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. LOL....I began blogging ten years ago and after a while, felt as if it had 'zapped' my creativity. I didn't realize I was so OCD that I literally hyperventilated if I couldn't get on the internet in order to blog! Thankfully now, I've learned to ease up:)

    1. Oh wow. That's bad and blogging shouldn't stress you. :( But I've heard it before which is why some authors don't blog. Too much pressure and where's the fun in that? I'm glad you learned to ease up and not stress over it. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I love a good hodgepodge! Enjoyed your post :)

    1. LOL thanks! that's what you'll find here

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I, too, had a blank stare when I saw this week's topic (ummm, my blogging inspiration is the 52-week blog challenge - duh!). I've enjoyed learning more about you via your weekly posts!

    1. LOL these last few weeks have been real head scratchers for sure. Some how I'm managing to pull out some sort of info that is related to the topic at hand. Thank you, glad you've enjoyed my posts. Same goes to you. I've learned a lot this year.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I had a blank stare last week. This week, I jumped in before my OCD brain could out think myself. I've connected with some amazing people thorugh bloggging, and this blog hop has connected me with awesome authors!
    I'm scratching my head on what I'm going to do next year if MFRW doesn't do this again. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Both weeks were hard although this one was a little easier. I've connected with some great people through blogging and this hop has connected me to more.

      Hopefully it'll come back next year. It has been a great tool to keep my blog updated on a regular basis.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Hodgepodge is really the stuff of life. Its the way different bits connect that leads to new ideas and inspiration.

    1. Very true. I'm not organized in anything so makes sense I'd be the same way with my blog.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Great post! I wish I was spontaneous but I have to have a plan or idea I tied the structured blogs like Tuesday tips writerly Wednesday etc but soon that got old for me. Maybe someday I’ll work it out lol

    1. Thanks. I need to learn to plan, but I can't. I have every intention, but they typically fall through. Hopefully you'll find a routine that works for you.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Thanks for sharing, Meka. We sound similar in our journey, and I now Follow you to show my support. I also joined the IWSG but had no idea they offered a monthly hop! lol

    1. Thanks for the follow! Yes. I found IWSG earlier this year and joined. They do offer a monthly hop and that's been a great thing for me. It's really helped.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. I've considered joining the ISWG blog hop, but I'm not particularly insecure, just unsuccessful for one who's been writing so long. So tell me, is there a USWG blog hop?

    1. Not everyone is. The whole thing is more for support than anything else and that is something I can certainly use. They give you a question as an optional thing to use if you can't think of something to write on your own.

      thanks for stopping by

  11. I enjoyed your post, Meka. I've followed a few hops through the years. Most have faded away or have been taken over by someone else. I hope MFRW continues next year. I'll have to visit your Music Mondays posts. I have playlists, too, and a theme song for each book. Sometimes music goes up under my Tuesday theme.

    1. Thank you! This has been my first weekly hop. I've done the monthly one since September. Hopefully this one will continue because I have enjoyed it. The music posts are fun. I need to get back to doing them. Music is the best, it helps me write.

      thanks for stopping by


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