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IWSG #2: Keeping Focus

It's that time again for sharing with the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
What is that you may ask, well their mission statement is this:

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

The first Wednesday of each month, we blog about our fears, insecurities, or even an accomplishment we had.

Last month my IWSG post was about growing a thick skin. This week I'm admitting to my deep issue of procrastination.

I have terrible focus. I believe it was Ellen DeGeneres that said: "Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow." That's really how I am sometimes sadly with my writing. I'll have all these good ideas, things that flow through my head, but when I sit to write, any and everything distracts me. I've tried closing internet tabs to keep myself from being tempted to surf the net, but then I just reopen them. Part of my lack of focus is due to my bad habit of second guessing myself and what I'm writing. I need to find a way to actually write when I set aside time to do so instead of finding every reason not to.

Thanks for stopping by and happy writing.



  1. Ah, yes. Procrastination. It can ruin a perfectly good day. You need to find an incentive that works for you. What do you get after you sit down and write for an hour? Chocolate? Time out in the sun? Binge watch a TV show? Make it work for you.

    Keep moving forward.
    Heather M. Gardner
    IWSG Co-Host

    1. LOL yes it can and it has for me plenty of times. I have no will power, I freely admit it. It's why I don't diet, I fail each time. Giving myself an incentive wouldn't really do any good since I'd skip the writing and get right to the treat. LOL I've got to find a way to have tunnel vision and get things done.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Meka, first time visitor. I do not look at day-to-day results. I look at the end of the week or month and see the progress there. This is what works for me.

    1. I need to stop finding the easy excuses and just get work done. It's always my goal and sadly I never follow through with it. :(

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Hi Meka.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    To start off, try and set a small goal, one that's specific and manageable. Maybe try a goal with a word count.
    For example, you'll write 200 words a day, or 2000 words a week for the next 6 weeks.
    Then re-assess after the 6 week period and adjust it if you need to.
    See how it goes from there.
    Writer In Transit

    1. No problem. Thank you for stopping by mine as well.

      Goals...the bane of my existence. I set them, but I all to easily let them slide. No accountability. :( I know I NEED to do better, but making myself actuality do it becomes the problem. Probably why I'm also not successful with diets. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  4. One trick is to write at a cafe or library and not ask for the WIFI code.

    1. I recently started this. I do ask for the wi-fi code though but only surf to look up things related to my writing. :)

      thanks for stopping by


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