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When I Grow Up - #MFRWauthor

Hello and welcome to week 4 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. Can you believe the first month of the year is basically over? Is the panic setting in yet? Feel like you're running out of time? No? Just me then? Okay. Moving on.

This week's topic we are to think about what sort of boring, mundane life we would lead if were weren't playing ultimate dictator over the lives of the people living in our heads. Frankly, I'm not sure.

I've said this before, but I didn't grow up dreaming to be a writer. This journey isn't one that was ever on my radar honestly. But I'm here now, so what to do if I wasn't.

Believe it or not, I wanted to be a psychologist. Back in my less cynical and friendlier days, I wanted to help solve problems. The study of human behavior and what makes people tick fascinated me and I wanted to know more. I wanted to listen, evaluate, then help steer people in the right direction.

Then life happened and my path went in a different direction.

So new plan, public relations. Ha, are you sensing a theme that in my younger days I was way more out going and people oriented? Boy have times changed. LOL

I guess in a way, I do both of those 'dream jobs' in my writing. We have to think and evaluate our characters and then steer them towards the right direction. Mine do it kicking and screaming, but that's another story. And as an author, you have to be somewhat decent with public relations. Building relationships not only with your readers, but with other authors, and industry professionals. You have to make nice with book bloggers, and cover designers, and blog tour companies. You get my point.

So what would I be doing if not writing? What I was doing before I started writing.

Okay, I'm not really a 'super' mom, but a girl can inflate her own ego every once in a while right? Long before I took up writing, I'd quit my full-time paying job and started a full-time job where the pay comes in attitude, homework, hugs, and kisses. And every day is causal Friday so not a bad deal.

There you have it. What would you do if writing was no longer in your life? Be sure to stop by the hop to see what the other authors have to say.

Until next time


  1. I went back to work briefly when my older two kids were in school all day, and the hubby suddenly began complaining about the housework not being done. I finally lost my temper and asked him what he wanted: A wife who worked or one who took care of the home? It was blatantly apparent that 'Supermom' was something I was NEVER going to achieve....and hence my 'Domestic Engineer' persona was adopted. He shut up about it, btw....and two years later, I had to quit when my 'caboose' showed up.

    1. The hubby doesn't complain. Even when I worked full time he didn't complain. He's a pretty laid back guy and the house is usually clean-ish. hahaha I like that term, Domestic Engineer. Sound professional.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. It is interesting how many introverts initially dreamed of jobs more suited for extroverts.

    1. LOL yes. I have become more of an introvert over the years since my interaction with others isn't required as much as it used to be.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I'm too much of an introvert to be in public relations or psychology. Of course, I can do all of that with extremely close friends and family lol, but out in the real world--no.

    1. I've become more of an introvert over the years. Well maybe not really an introvert, more like have way less patience for people than I used to. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I am feeling like I'm running out of time, Meka. You aren't alone. I'd fail miserably at public relations, but I did like book signings in the past. I'd almost get sick on the way to them though. You hit the nail on the head by mentioning the many faces or hats we wear as writers.

    1. I'm not sure I'd be any good at the public relations thing either. I've never tackled a book signing, but I'm sure it'd make me super nervous. I'm not a fan of being center of attention. Writers, especially indies, have a lot of hats to wear!

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Meka, psychology and public relations are great backgrounds for a writer. Isn't it funny how even as adults, we occasionally think in terms of "when I grow up." Which brings a question to my mind: do fiction writers ever really grow up? :-D

    1. Maybe that's why so many writers struggle with the marketing side of the business Linda, the business size requires us to do too much adulting!

    2. Yes, I think it helps us feel young to say we're not fully grown at times. I would have to agree, writing does keep us young as our imaginations must stay active.

      Agreed with you as well Kim, the marketing and promoting is way too much adulting! LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  6. The years fly by so quickly now Meka, you are not alone in feeling the panic! I am an introvert who thought about becoming a psychologist - In the end I decided against clinical psychology and went into HR in a large corporation. Much safer :D but still a great place to observe people…

    1. Yes they do! Watching my kids each day reminds me of how fast time is moving. My brother-in-law went into criminal psychology and loves it. Makes me wish sometimes that I had pursued it, but oh well. HR is a great way to observe people! I can imagine you get a wide variety of people to see.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I think your choices are intriguing. I was stay at home mom with my son but worked when i had both my son and daughter. Then I was single mom and had no choice. I always wish i had gone to school and become a teacher. In these times Id never make it (introvert wanting an extrovert job)

    1. Thank you! I worked until my son was 3 then the hubs and I realized I was working to pay child care so I decided to stay home with our then 2 kids. That number doubled in size. LOL We have a lot of teachers in my family, it's a great profession, I just know I don't have the patience for it.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Mom=Best job ever.šŸ‘šŸ¼

    1. It certainly isn't a boring job! Something new everyday. They keep me on my toes.

      thanks for stopping by


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