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Showing posts from January, 2017

Are BFFs A thing?... #MFRWauthor

When I saw the prompt for this week I was confused for a moment. I'm barreling towards another decade on this planet and it's one where I'm feeling too old to refer to my friends as 'best' friends. They are all simply my friends. I have 'real life' friends, ones I can see and hang out with in person. I have 'internet friends', people I've met online, talk to often, but have never seen. One such friend is a  person I've talked to nearly every day for the last four years. We started out chatting about a game we both play and it's morphed. It's a great friendship and one that I cherish deeply. So if I had to give her a label over and above, she could be my BFF.

She was slowly...#MFRWauthor

So I'm late to the game on this, but better late than never right?

Music Monday: Say You Won't Let Go

Hello and happy Monday. I'm back with another music Monday.

Book Review: Cause To Kill

A Need To Read

Last year I didn't read much.

Music Monday: Stressed Out

Hello and welcome back to Music Monday. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that 2017 has started out great for you all.

IWSG #8: Making A Plan

Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to kick off 2017 with a bang!