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Showing posts from September, 2019

Music Monday: Broken Frame & Book Review: King Unveiled

Happy Monday. I know, I know. What is this? A new Music Monday finally? Yeah. I do these posts when I feel like I truly have something to share. The last few weeks that has not been my mood. I’ve not been listening to a lot of music so had nothing to make a post about. But…I’m back.

Adventures in KU - Round Two

Hello folks. This write up is a little delayed (well a lot delayed) and I’m sorry about that. I realized that I was much better about this when I was doing the breakdowns each month. That being said, this will be a summary post of how I did in my second round of KU.

IWSG - Show Me The Money

Happy September. I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. I spent it doing "family bonding" by watching all the Marvel Universe movies. My sister was/is majorly offended that I hadn't seen Infinity Wars or End Game among others.